Domains from Builder.Domains

Here is a simple example of a Subdomain Marketplace as found at Builder.Domains

export const app = (saaskit) => {
return {
persona: 'Builder',
problem: {
internal: 'More ideas than money',
external: 'Needs to buy a domain name',
philosophical: 'Pay up for a premium domain vs Settle for a bad name',
solution: 'Builder.Domains',
brand: 'SaaS.Dev',
offer: 'Infinite Free Domain Names',
callToAction: {
build: { domains: 5, monthlyPrice: 0 },
grow: { domains: 50, monthlyPrice: 10 },
expand: { domains: 1000, monthlyPrice: 100 },
failure: 'Years of horrible names',
success: {
goal: 'Having domain names for every idea',
transformation: { from: 'Loser', to: 'Hero' }
theme: {
color: 'indigo',
font: 'san-francisco',
logo: saaskit.wordmark({font: 'massive'}),
darkMode: true,
nouns: {
domains: {
name: `${subdomain}.${baseDomain}`,
url: `https://${subdomain}.${baseDomain}`,
subdomain: propType.string,
cname: propType.string,
baseDomains: [
'', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', '', ''
verbs: {},
experiments: [],
prices: [stripe('price_1ImL2WHednQ8H7dFlzZc7Obx'), stripe('price_1ImL3AHednQ8H7dFbmNixzAt')],
integrations: [
plugins: [
export const api = {
proxy: ({req, domains}) => {
const url = new URL(req.url)
const domain = domains.find({name: url.hostname})
url.hostname = domain.cname
return fetch(url.toString(), req)