CRM from

Here is a simple example of a CRM app as found at

module.exports = {
persona: 'Coder',
problem: {
internal: 'Hates unnecessary complexity',
external: 'Needs a CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)',
philosophical: 'Struggle with more features than you need vs Build your Own',
solution: '',
brand: '',
offer: 'Developer-First CRM for Product-Led SaaS',
callToAction: {
build: { users: 5, monthlyPrice: 0 },
grow: { annualUserPrice: 5, monthlyUserPrice: 10 },
scale: { annualUserPrice: 15, monthlyUserPrice: 25 },
failure: 'Endless complexity and lost customer relationships',
success: {
goal: 'Having amazing and growing customer base',
transformation: { from: 'Churning', to: 'Exploding' }
nouns: {
customer: {
name: 'string',
email: ['email'],
company: 'string?',
phone: 'phone',
tags: [tag],
call: customer => twilio.makeCall(,
text: customer => twilio.sendSMS(,
email: customer => sendGrid.sendEmail(,
tag: {
name: 'string'
sequence: {
name: 'string'
template: {
name: 'string'
verbs: {},
experiments: [],